unlock hidden, untapped and unrealized potential

Feature Articles

Tongue-tied? 3 ways to make complicated ideas EASY for anyone to understand

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on May 29, 2024

Tired of explaining and explaining an idea no one seems to understand?Are people napping during your presentation? Don’t explain more. Engage better.

This 60-second fix will make your LinkedIn profile stand out instantly

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on April 10, 2024

Uh oh… You’re in a hurry. The clock is ticking to apply for that great job. Your profile is up to date, but doesn’t stand out. Here’s a 60 second change that works.

5 ways to introduce yourself perfectly in 20 words or less [TEMPLATES]

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 9, 2022

Think fast. You just got your big break and this introduction can change everything. You have 8 seconds to capture their attention. Are you really ready to answer, “What do you do?”

Make your unique advantage clear with ONE word

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 9, 2022

I know... explaining what makes you unique can seem impossible. But ONE word can change everything.

5 Career Questions Successful People Need to Ask Themselves

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Sept. 1, 2020

Are you on the rise, or have you already “made it”? Think nothing can stop you now? Think again.

Your Step-by-step Guide to Networking to New Opportunities [INFOGRAPHIC]

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 22, 2020

Still wondering how to network to your next opportunity? Not anymore.

How to Promote Yourself without Sounding Pushy

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Feb. 23, 2020

Are you afraid to promote yourself? Is the label, "PUSHY" stopping your? STOP the worry. Here are 5 simple steps to pitch yourself without sounding pushy.

How I Fight (and Win!) the Fear of Rejection

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Feb. 10, 2020

I have a fear of rejection. Who doesn't. But I found a way to win my fight against my fear. Here's how.

6 Words that Earn Respect

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 30, 2019

Leadership is not about taking credit. It’s about assuming responsibility

The ABC's of Rebranding Your Personal Brand

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 30, 2019

Are you ready to take the rebranding leap?

4 Things We Think Make Us Look Smart, but Don’t

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 30, 2019

Think those technical terms impress your audience and make you look smart? Think again. Here are 4 things we think make us look smart, but don't.

3 ways to explain your unique advantage in 20 words or less [TEMPLATES]

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 27, 2019

Everyone's unique, but not many know how to explain their unique advantage. Until now. Here are 3 ways to explain your unique advantage in 20 words or less

How to Advocate for Yourself without Second-Guessing Yourself

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 9, 2019

Are you living in the perception trap? You can't control how people perceive you. You CAN control how you perceive yourself.

The Self-Sabotage Signal You're Sending But Don't See

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 2, 2019

Are you tired of chasing your career? Is it your boss? Or maybe... maybe it's you. Are you sabotaging your success?

This 1 Minute LinkedIn Makeover Will Make Your Profile Instantly More Engaging

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 3, 2019

Uh oh… The clock is ticking to apply for that great job. Your profile is up to date, but doesn’t stand out. Be instantly more engaging with this 60 second makeover. It works.

Pitch the BIG picture in 15, 30, or 60 seconds [TEMPLATES]

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 19, 2018

The elevator pitch is the essential skill that everyone needs, but few have mastered. Your struggles are over. Here's how to give a perfect pitch in 15, 30, or 60 seconds.

5 ways to answer,"Tell me about yourself" using your passion, mission or strength [TEMPLATES]

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 15, 2017

Hmmm...you're about to introduce yourself, but don't want to talk about your role or title. Now what? Here's how to make a lasting impression using your values and strengths.

How to make your point perfectly clear in 6 words [TEMPLATES]

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Feb. 11, 2017

Imagine being so clear you can make your point in 6 words. Impossible? Not any more.

Entrepreneur? How to explain what you do and how you're different in 60 seconds or less

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 15, 2017

You're an entrepreneur... Your opportunities could depend on how well you answer these 2 questions. How simply and clearly can you explain what you do and how you're unique?

Put More WOW in Your LinkedIn Profile in 30 Seconds (or less)

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on July 5, 2016

You need your LinkedIn profile to stand out. Now. Make one simple switch and it will!

Be Instantly More Persuasive with this 1 Simple Tip

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on April 19, 2016

I used to wonder what the secret was to being persuasive. Then I learned, with a wave of the hand everyone can be instantly more persuasive.

How to Turn Your Pitch into a "Tell me more" Moment

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 26, 2016

Get your pitch wrong and you're arguing instead of engaging. Get it right, and you'll hear, "tell me more!" Here's how to get it right.

The Curse of the Corporate Title

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 8, 2016

Why do we pin our identities to something we can’t control, like a title, instead of focusing on something we can?

1 Habit that Drives Careers Off Track (and How to Fix It)

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 14, 2015

Comparison is inevitable. But is it driving your career off track?

What to Do when Someone Discounts You

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 8, 2015

You don't have to let anyone speak for you - but you.

Get the Job Even if You Don't Have the "Right" Experience

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Aug. 26, 2015

Worried you don't have the right experience? You CAN get that job. Here are 5 practical steps to turn concerns about you into confidence in you.

Why I Speak Up Even if Others Don't

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Aug. 15, 2015

Our voices matter.

Now What? 10 Ways to Jump Start Your ERG

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Aug. 6, 2015

Now what? You’re energized… but tomorrow, it’s back to work.

5 Presentation Tips Your Audience Will Love

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on June 6, 2015

Are you staring at a blank screen, kicking yourself for agreeing to that presentation? Not anymore. Here are 5 tips to present any topic to any crowd.

4 Ways to get Fresh Perspective without Hiring a Consultant

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on June 6, 2015

I get it. You're a small company. You know you need fresh perspective, but can't afford a consultant. No worries. Here are 4 ways to get an outside view from the inside.

10 Bright Ideas to Update your LinkedIn Profile [INFOGRAPHIC]

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on May 2, 2015

Are you new to LinkedIn, or is your profile ready for a refresh? Here are 10 tips to create a profile that attracts attention and generates leads.

Out Manage Your Micro-Managing Boss

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on April 26, 2015

Under your boss’ thumb? DON'T let your career be hijacked by one person. Refocus on the ways you can power your career and out manage the micro-manager.

5 Introductions that Get People to Say “Tell Me More”

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on April 12, 2015

Do you dread walking into a roomful of strangers? Do you wonder what to say and if anyone will remember you? Not anymore with these 5 introductions.

No Apologies Needed

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on April 5, 2015

Why apologize for a job well done?

The Introvert's Guide to Career Reinvention

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 29, 2015

Some people can flip a switch and reinvent themselves. Most of us... not so much. Here's perspective on reinvention one day at a time.

Small Talk Lessons from an Introvert

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 14, 2015

What can we learn about small talk from introverts? They prepare.

Is this “small” Habit Sabotaging your Success?

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 8, 2015

It's just a few words, but could they be sabotaging your success? Here's how a little habit could be a BIG problem.

Why Wait to be Noticed? Make Your Mark Instead

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 1, 2015

Still waiting to be noticed? Make your mark instead. And while everyone else is waiting their turn, you’ll rise above the crowd.

Face an Old Fear with Fresh Perspective

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Feb. 22, 2015

We all have fears, but they don’t have to trap us. You can’t change your past, but you can change your perspective. Ready to face your fears in black and white?

How to make Complicated Ideas Easy for Anyone to Understand

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Feb. 14, 2015

Tired of explaining and explaining an idea no one seems to understand?Are people napping during your presentation? Don’t explain more. Engage better.

Nail Your Next Elevator Pitch

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Feb. 7, 2015

I love the idea of an elevator pitch, but pitching with fewer words was anything but simple. Until now.

The Myth of Silver Bullet Solutions

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Feb. 1, 2015

If all you have is a hammer, then everything is a nail.

Finding the Courage to Pursue Your Dream

Written by Paul Smith on Jan. 25, 2015

Many of us harbor a secret dream we’re too afraid to pursue. Here's how author and keynote speaker, Paul Smith, found the courage to pursue his.

The Dangers of Distraction

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 18, 2015

You probably know the perils of driving while distracted. When it comes to driving our careers, we're often the same way. Distracted.

Stand Up to Silence and Give Your Voice to Those Without

Written by Reuben Carranza on Jan. 18, 2015

Here's a call to give our voices to those without.

Are These 2 Words Stopping You? How to Overcome Your What-if's

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 11, 2015

What would it be like if we lived with fewer ifs?

How to Transform from Nervous Networker to Confident Connector in 12 months (or less)

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 11, 2015

Want to transform from nervous networker to confident connectors? Here are 12 tips to build your network momentum and open new opportunities.

How to Say Who You Are and What You Do in 20 Words or Less

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 4, 2015

Still having trouble explaining what you do? Are you sounding too memorized and not memorable? Not any more. Here's how to say who you are and what you do in 20 words or less.

How to have an Opinion without Being Opinionated

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 28, 2014

Embrace clarity and you’ll find you’re not just stating your opinion, you’ll be changing people’s opinion.

What I Learned When I was Homeless

Written by Dom Liberati on Dec. 27, 2014

Until we are pushed outside our comfort zones, we are rarely forced to grow in such vast and genuine ways.

10 (almost) Instant Confidence Boosters You can try TODAY

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 27, 2014

Looking for a resolution that will last more than last year's gym membership? Try this one: Be more confident.

How NOT to Present to the CEO

Written by Paul Smith on Dec. 14, 2014

The first time I presented to Procter and Gamble's then-CEO, A.G. Lafley was unforgettable. That day I learned a valuable lesson—the hard way—about how NOT to present to the CEO.

How to Teach Girls to be Courageous Leaders

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 14, 2014

What are we teaching girls? To worry about social status?! Likeability is a luxury, not a goal. Let's teach them courage, and conviction and let's change the world.

3 Ways to Give your Voice a Confidence Makeover

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 7, 2014

Are you looking for a way to project more confidence? Then start with your voice. One key to looking more confident is sounding more confident.

Is Success Making a Mess Out of Your Career

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 30, 2014

What’s your defintion of success? Could your success be killing your career?

Could You Pass this Test of Character?

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 30, 2014

Character is not defined by what you say, it's defined by what you do. What are your actions saying about you?

The Unfair Career Advantage You need to Exploit NOW

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 23, 2014

Score one for the good guys. At last. Your attitude matters! Here are 4 tips to convert your attitude into a career advantage.

How to Hack Your Humility Trap

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 23, 2014

Is your humility holding you back from recognition, opportunity, or advancement? It's time to hack your humility trap.

WARNING: Are your Friends Holding Your Career Back?

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 22, 2014

You've probably heard of branding by association. This is reinvention by association.

The Best 1 Minute Investment You can Make in Your Employee

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 18, 2014

What if you could make a powerful and lasting change on the people you coach in a matter of moments? You can.

How to Launch an Amazing Career: Lessons from an Unlikely P&G 1%er

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 16, 2014

What's the path to career success? Regardless of where you start, the path is the one you make for yourself.

Is this Career Myth Costing You a Promotion?

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 16, 2014

Are you finally on the promotion track? Great. But no coasting or it can cost you. Here’s a career myth that you can’t afford to ignore.

How to Make a Better Strategic Decision

Written by Nat Brooks on Nov. 16, 2014

How's your business making decisions? With wishful thinking and relying on emotion? Or on facts and strategic analysis.

Are You All in? 1 Motivation Tip Most Leaders are Too Afraid to Try (but should)

Written by Paul Smith on Nov. 9, 2014

Removing your retreat option is definitely a risky strategy. But it’s also a highly effective one.

How to Change Your Tone for Business Success

Written by Toi Jones on Nov. 9, 2014

Collaboration thrives with positive pressure, But not in a pressure cooker. Here are 3 collaboration tips to keep your partnerships moving forward.

What Business School Can't Teach Your Leaders About Trust

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 2, 2014

Do you know how much is in your "trust" account? You know, the account where your organization keeps score on how much they trust you? Maybe it's time to find out.

4 Ways Gum Wrappers Can Change Your Leadership

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Oct. 26, 2014

People who seek to stand out should be prepared to bend down… And pick up gum wrappers.

The One Dangerous Thing Every Leader Should Do

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Oct. 26, 2014

Do you like to play it safe? Are you afraid of controversy or being unpopular? Here's a challenge to do something dangerous.

4 Tunnel Vision Symptoms You Can't Afford to Ignore

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Oct. 21, 2014

What can cause a good manager to swerve out of control and take your business with it? Tunnel vision.

4 Power Plays You Can't Afford to Ignore

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Oct. 20, 2014

What can cause of good manager to swerve out of control and take your business with it? Power.

5 Steps to Turn Your Adversaries into Allies

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Oct. 19, 2014

Are you battling it out with an adversary? Is it starting to get personal? Try these 5 steps . You may find your adversary is a better ally.

How to be Heard When Everyone is Talking

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Oct. 12, 2014

If you want to be heard you have to find your voice.

The Motivation Formula Every Manager Needs to Know

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Oct. 12, 2014

A little negative goes a long way. Do you know how much positive can offset it?

How to Beat the "I've-Got-No-Time-to-Network" Blues

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Oct. 12, 2014

Are you singing the "No-Time-to-Network Blues"? Networking always fell from my To Do List. Until now.

The 7 Deadly Speaking Mistakes

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Oct. 5, 2014

Do you want to change how you influence your colleagues? Change your pitch, tone and volume. Here's how.

3 Questions Successful Businesses Need to Ask about Strategy

Written by Nat Brooks on Oct. 5, 2014

Success often masks bad habits. Change exposes them. Which habit is waiting to trip you up?

5 Career Signals You’re Ignoring But Shouldn't

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Oct. 5, 2014

Are you avoiding an ugly career truth? Here are 5 signs you need to pay attention to.

The One Phrase that Kills Credibility

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Sept. 28, 2014

You can turn a blind eye, but your organization isn't blind.

Living Amplified

Written by Dom Liberati on Sept. 28, 2014

Do you believe in what you're saying? Are you bold about communicating it, whether through words or otherwise?

How to Find the Courage to Tell a Hidden Story

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Sept. 28, 2014

Here's a compelling TEDTalk from Eman Mohammed, one of the few female photojournalists in the Gaza Strip.

How to Design a Career that Lasts and Lasts

Written by Jim Keighley on Sept. 28, 2014

Looking to develop a career that lasts and lasts? Here's advice from popular coach Jim Keighley on building the right foundation for long term success.

Knowledge vs Wisdom

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Sept. 27, 2014

I think we often seek knowledge in hopes that it gives us wisdom

No Apologies Needed

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Sept. 21, 2014

Why apologize for a job well done?

The 1 Thing You can do TODAY to Drive Engagement

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Sept. 21, 2014

There's a fine line between making work meaningful or disengaging your workforce. Here's the how to make difference. From Gallup Business Journal.

WARNING: There's a WRONG Way to be RIGHT

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Sept. 21, 2014

I like to be right. I hate to be wrong. But I've learned there's a wrong way to be right.

4 Sure Signs It's Time to Work on Your Strategy

Written by Nat Brooks on Sept. 14, 2014

Are you getting surprised too often? Here are 4 signs your strategy needs a tune up.

The Curse of Comparison

Written by Dom Liberati on Sept. 14, 2014

Competition is healthy and necessary, but comparison is hazardous. How are we to lead effectively if we aren’t comfortable in our own skin?

What to do when You're (WAY) Better than Your Boss

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Sept. 14, 2014

Are you better than your boss? Great. That's just how you want it.

Why Your Team Won't Follow You

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Sept. 7, 2014

Do you want your team to follow you or to "friend" you?

How to Stand Out in a Career Crowd

Written by Jim Keighley on Sept. 7, 2014

Many people mid-career feel trapped. Are you one of them?

Still Pushing? 5 Tips to Create a Career Plan that Gets You Pulled

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Aug. 31, 2014

Tired of getting passed up? Don't throw in the towel. Take a page from successful inbound marketers.

3 Steps to Blast Out of a Maxed Out Career

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Aug. 24, 2014

Your career may be maxed out, but you don't have to be.

How to Breakout Without Selling Out

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Aug. 24, 2014

Advocate for yourself so that one day you may advocate for those without. That's not selfish, that's service.

4 Easy Ways to Catch the Branding by Association Wave

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Aug. 17, 2014

Is your career stalling out? Maybe it's not you. Maybe it's your network.

The Simple Secret of Earning Influence

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Aug. 17, 2014

"Think like a person of action; act like a person of thought." HowardBehar

A Call to Action

Written by Dom Liberati on Aug. 14, 2014

How do we know when is the right time to push the launch button? What's the call to action?

How to Make your Boss (and others) Much Better

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Aug. 9, 2014

It’s one thing to manage down. And it’s great when people can manage up. But it’s a unique skill to "invest up.”

The Introvert's Guide to Getting Great Mentors

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Aug. 9, 2014

When it comes to getting a mentor, it seems as though everyone's an introvert.

Overwhelmed and Overthinking It: How to Find Focus and Move Forward

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Aug. 5, 2014

Sometimes you don't need to go the distance. Sometimes you just need to take a step in the right direction.

Is Your Development at a Dead End: 5 Steps to Crowd Source Your Coaching

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Aug. 3, 2014

Your growth doesn’t have to stop just because your boss is a development dead end.

What Bloggers can Teach Your CEO about Trust

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on July 27, 2014

How many leaders simply have power because of their positions? Imagine if all leaders had to earn their followers every day with every word and action.

Routines: Make Em’ or Break Em’

Written by Dom Liberati on July 25, 2014

Structure's a good thing, but too much of the same old routine, no matter how great that routine is, makes us stale and stops personal growth.

Overcoming My Fear of No

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on July 21, 2014

Why do we let the fear of "no" stop us?

Conquer the Credibility Gap: Jump Start your First 100 Days

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on July 20, 2014

Are you new to the job? Newly transferred? Here are 8 stategies to jump start your first 100 days.

How to Hear What Others Don't: The Secret of Power Listeners

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on July 13, 2014

Great coaches are great listeners. They don't just hear what's said, they hear what's unexpressed. They hear untapped potential, an unrealized goal or an unresolved conflict.

The Self Sufficiency Trap

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on July 13, 2014

Can you be too "self sufficient"?

What's Your Pitch

Written by Dom Liberati on July 12, 2014

Nobody knows what you want to become more than yourself, so be sure that you are your best communicator.

The Power of Today; The Pitfall of Tomorrow

Written by Tom Wilmanns on July 6, 2014

Every “tomorrow” that never comes is a piece of you at your best lost to yesterday.

How to Break Free from the Humility Trap

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on July 6, 2014

If you want to inspire others to fulfill their potential, fulfill your own. Advocate for yourself so that one day you may advocate for others.

A Case for Self-Advocacy

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on July 1, 2014

For me self-advocacy is not a luxury, or an act of selfishness, but an imperative.I advocated for myself so that I would be in a position to advocate for many.

Finding Your Way Home

Written by Dom Liberati on June 29, 2014

What is home to you?

The Mark of Character

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on June 29, 2014

Character comes from within us and leaves our mark on others.

The Perception Trap

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on June 29, 2014

Every minute you focus on how you're perceived is a minute you're not focused on WHO YOU ARE.

The Difference between Succeeding and Exceeding

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on June 29, 2014

Show that you care. There's no bigger investment we can make in our organization.

Out Manage Your Micro-Managing Boss

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on June 22, 2014

Under your boss’ thumb? DON'T let your career be hijacked by one person. Refocus on the ways you can power your career and soon you'll out manage the micro-manager.

Don't Just be Better; Raise the Bar

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on June 21, 2014

When we constantly compare ourselves to others - it's a never ending trap. Is it time to reset the bar?

How I (Almost) Lost my Career Momentum

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on June 15, 2014

How's your career momentum these days? Are you leaning in or are you in over your head? Are you fighting to regain momentum or is it time to shift?

YOU: Better - The Introvert's Guide to Career Reinvention

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on June 15, 2014

Some people can flip a switch and reinvent themselves. Most of us... not so much. Here's perspective on reinvention one day at a time.

What Are You Waiting For? Release Your Potential

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on June 14, 2014

Are you on the edge? There are many people with potential energy. They show the promise of greatness, but wait to be released.

How I Beat my Networking Nerves

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on June 8, 2014

I learned to go with MY flow and networking changed from an awkward event to an enjoyable daily activity. Here are my 4 tips.

NOT Getting Noticed? The Inside Track on Making Your Mark

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on June 8, 2014

Make a mark more often. Maximize the mundane. And while everyone else head-down, you'll be head and shoulder above the crowd.

Staying in Line: The Art of Persistence

Written by Dom Liberati on June 1, 2014

What if the journey to your goal was really just a long line?

Face The Future

Written by Caroline Davis on June 1, 2014

Our futures are wide and long and mostly blank.

Career Myth BUSTED: Your Results AREN'T Speaking for You

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on June 1, 2014

I used to think my results spoke for me, but instead of getting promoted ahead of my peers, I was promoted after them. Then I started to speak for myself. And I was promoted ahead of my peers...Twice.

Don't Let Presentation Roadblocks Stop You

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on May 31, 2014

Great presenters aren't just prepared to present, they have mastered the skills of reading their audience, meeting agility and adaptability.

Start Small and Look Up: Achieving Goals from the Bottom Up

Written by Caroline Davis on May 31, 2014

It's good to have goals. Sometimes we want it all and we want it now. Caroline Davis challenges us to start small and take it step by step.

What Six Year Old Twins Can Teach Your CEO about Leading Change

Written by Paul Smith on May 23, 2014

People aren’t really afraid of change; they’re afraid of not being prepared for the change.

Tools of the Trade - Lessons Learned from Leading Lots of Change

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on May 23, 2014

It doesn't matter whether the result is technical, financial, organizational, or customer service. The tools for success are universal.

Are These 2 Words Stopping You? Overcome Your What-if's

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on May 22, 2014

What would it be like if we lived with fewer "what if's"?

How my Plant Nurse Taught me to Make Missions More Meaningful

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on May 22, 2014

Is your organization struggling to connect to the business? Here's how one P&G plant nurse taught me how to add meaning to the business mission

Fear Factor: When Fear Makes Us (and others) Better

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on May 18, 2014

When we face our fears, fear becomes an ally, and gives us strength and courage. And not only do we benefit - others do too.

How NOT to Listen - One Habit that's Not Helping You

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on May 18, 2014

Are you listening or are you leaping? Conclusion jumping plagues all the professions. Our past experiences shape our assessment of new situations.

Get Connected! Lessons from the Checkout Line

Written by Caroline Davis on May 12, 2014

Everyone has a story, and every story has value to a person who is really willing to listen.

Finding the Time to Lead: Make ONE Moment Matter

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on May 12, 2014

"We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right." Nelson Mandela

Exceed Expectations: Lessons from a High Achiever

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on May 11, 2014

I was a top 30%'er hoping to be a top 15%'er. Until someone taught me to exceed.

How Good is Your Word?

Written by Dom Liberati on May 5, 2014

Our words can only speak through the merit of our actions. Without action, our words are simply noise.

Turn Adversaries into Allies

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on May 4, 2014

"Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who'll disagree with you." John Wooden

Table Manners: Confidence at the Conference Room Table

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on May 4, 2014

Be confident at the conference room table and improve your meeting effectiveness.

Stand Up to Silence - Give Your Voice to Those Without

Written by Reuben Carranza on April 27, 2014

Everyone has the ability, and more importantly, the responsibility to advocate.

Envy and Jealousy

Written by David Davis on April 27, 2014

What's the difference between envy and jealousy? Aren't these really just the same?

Say Anything - In 6 Words!

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on April 26, 2014

The concept of “in 6 words” is powerful. Can you convey the essence of something in a few words?

The World as 100 People

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on April 20, 2014

I have never been able to wrap my mind around the world's population. But I can if I change my perspective.


Written by Rebecca Okamoto on April 20, 2014

We cannot lead by trying to predict how the future will look back on us. We must lead by looking forward and staying true to our principles and values that guide us.

Rock Your Join Up

Written by Jim Keighley on April 20, 2014

We're all new at many points in our career. Your leader expects you to quickly bring something the team needs. Do you know what that is?

The Solution

Written by Dom Liberati on April 19, 2014

Leaders often overlook the most universal gift we can give and receive.

5 Ways March Madness Mirrors OUR Journey

Written by Dom Liberati on April 12, 2014

Throughout watching the NCAA Basketball tournament this year, I couldn’t help but notice the parallels between the tournament and our journeys as explorers and leaders.


Written by Rebecca Okamoto on April 12, 2014

How’s your momentum these days? Are you weighed down by multiple “priorities”? Or are you a sleek, point of energy, moving rapidly towards your focus?

Kick the "I Can't" Habit: You Can!

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on April 6, 2014

How many of us are stopped by the word, "cannot"? How many times do we believe we can't when we really can, but don't.

The Dangers of Distraction

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on April 6, 2014

You probably know the perils of driving while distracted. When it comes to driving our careers, we're often the same way. Distracted.

Facing Fear on Paper

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on April 5, 2014

Can we tame our fears? Can we find a way to face them?

Born to Run

Written by Dom Liberati on April 5, 2014

"We'll walk in the sun...But till then, tramps like us baby we were born to run"

The Humility Trap

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on April 1, 2014

"Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less." C.S. Lewis

The Fallacy of "Trying"

Written by David Davis on March 30, 2014

"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Superheroes Start from Within

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 29, 2014

Where do real life superheroes come from? How do they earn their capes and masks? Superheroes start from within. We may not believe at first we are superheroes, but we will become what we believe.

The Mentor Quest

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 29, 2014

Who says finding a mentor should be a hard and lonely quest?

Perfect Pitch: Give Your Voice A Confidence Makeover

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 23, 2014

Are you looking for a way to project more confidence? Then start with your voice. One key to looking more confident is sounding more confident.

Is your Boss a Single Point of Failure?

Written by Jim Keighley on March 23, 2014

The days of any one individual (aka "the boss") providing the best coaching and direction for everything are over!

Do You HEAR Me? The Difference between Listening and Hearing

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 23, 2014

Is there a difference between listening and hearing? How many times have you said, "Are you LISTENING to me?" or "Did you HEAR what I said?"

The Marathon of Life

Written by Dom Liberati on March 22, 2014

Can we believe in our mission enough to trust in it and stay in the race?

Picture This: Audience Engagement that Works

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 16, 2014

Imagery is a short cut to connection.

Let's Shine Today

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 16, 2014

What if we let ourselves be brilliant?

Don't Wish for Power; Wish for Influence

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 9, 2014

Power is limited by the number of people that report to you. Influence has no boundaries.

Be the Hummingbird

Written by Dom Liberati on March 8, 2014

Looking for guidance? A role model? A simple mantra to keep you on track and inspired?

Don't Pull This Disappearing Act

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 8, 2014

Don't pull a disappearing act! Come to every meeting and add value.

Who Needs Powerpoint Anyway....

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 7, 2014

How did we present before PowerPoint? With our voices and our message.

Leadership Lessons from The Who's "Magic Bus"

Written by Jim Keighley on March 2, 2014

In my experience, I've learned that managing people in Corporate America is like driving a school bus – but not just any school bus – it's a "special" Corporate school bus.

Small Talk Lessons from an Introvert

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 1, 2014

What can we learn about small talk from introverts? They prepare. They know small talk doesn't always come naturally, so they make up for it in preparation.

Dealing with Droughts

Written by Dom Liberati on March 1, 2014

Can we look at the droughts in our life as an opportunity to learn and interact with others?

Leading Starts with Reading

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Feb. 23, 2014

We know great leaders are passionate learners. But did you know that by the 4th grade there is already an alarming literacy gap between boys and girls?

Selective Neglect

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Feb. 22, 2014

There is ALWAYS something more that can be done. But there are also things that can wait. Let them.

The Secret of Serving

Written by Dom Liberati on Feb. 21, 2014

Our crafts, our talents, no matter what they are, are not for our benefit, but to serve others.

How NOT to Present to the CEO

Written by Paul Smith on Feb. 15, 2014

The first time I presented to Procter and Gamble's then-CEO, A.G. Lafley was unforgettable. That day I learned a valuable lesson—the hard way—about how NOT to present to the CEO.

The Revolution of the Recharge

Written by Dom Liberati on Feb. 15, 2014

I always think there’s another song to write, another email to send, or time for another workout. The truth is, all of those things can wait. If we want to exceed to our full potential, “the recharge” couldn’t be more important!

"Leisure" by W.H. Davies

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Feb. 14, 2014

"What is this life, if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare."

The 3 Mind Factors

Written by Elia Lopez on Feb. 11, 2014

There are 3 universal laws about how our minds work that we sometimes forget as we develop organizational messages and communication.

Be the First You

Written by Dom Liberati on Feb. 10, 2014

You are the only YOU on this Earth. Being authentic is the only way to leave a mark.

Break Free from Problem Solving Traps

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Feb. 9, 2014

Is your problem solving stuck? Are you spending more time managing the solution than solving the problem? Give yourself more "degrees of freedom."

Don't Dismiss Disagreement - Turn Adversaries into Allies

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Feb. 9, 2014

"Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who'll disagree with you." John Wooden

Lead Out Loud: With Stories

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Feb. 1, 2014

One of the easiest and most overlooked leadership tools is the story. Stories may be simple, but their impact can last a lifetime.

The Cost of Living

Written by Dom Liberati on Jan. 31, 2014

Every choice we make in life has a cost. What are you willing to "pay" for what you want?

The Myth of Silver Bullet Solutions

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 26, 2014

If all you have is a hammer, then everything is a nail.

Who Makes Work Meaningful?

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 26, 2014

It's the smallest things we do that matter and touch the lives of people. We make work meaningful for those entrusted to us, whom we are privileged to serve.

Breaking the Ice - Lessons from an Introvert

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 19, 2014

Here are some practical tips on breaking the ice in a few easy taps.

One Phrase that Kills Credibility

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 19, 2014

What's your credibility worth to you?

Hearing the Unexpressed

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 12, 2014

Just because words aren't spoken doesn't mean a message is unexpressed. Listen for tones, logic, and hesitation. Now you hear it loud and clear.

Your Goals - in 3 Words!

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 12, 2014

What are your goals for the New Year? How about defining them in 3 words?

Character Matters

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 12, 2014

Everyday our actions broadcast our character. What are we saying?

My 10 Favorite Lyrics for Inspiration

Written by Dom Liberati on Jan. 12, 2014

“You'll sit alone forever if you wait for the right time/ What are you hoping for?/ I'm here, I'm now, I'm ready" Jimmy Eat the World "23"

Face Your Fears: You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 5, 2014

Why do we let the fear of "no" stop us from taking the shot?

Choosing Our Associates

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 5, 2014

Worthy friendship is a universal quest. Who will walk down the narrow road with you, willing and able to weather the storm? Who will stand in the gap with you?

Speak to Your Future Audience

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 4, 2014

The most compelling speakers speak to their future audience. Their message is repeated, not just by the audience sitting in front of them, but by an unseen audience who will hear the message in the future.

Documenting Milestones

Written by Dom Liberati on Jan. 4, 2014

Documenting our milestones is key to growth and progress. By reflecting how we got from point A to B, we are encouraged, recharged, and humbled by our own experiences.

What I Believe as a Leader

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 29, 2013

Leaders matter. Character matters.


Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 29, 2013

Evoke means to draw out something hidden, untapped or unrealized. Perhaps individually we cannot shift the entire equation, but together, I believe we can evoke extraordinary.

The Mission Statement

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 28, 2013

A mission statement is a declaration of our purpose, and a commitment to ourselves, our organizations and to those whom we serve.

Learning to Let Go

Written by Dom Liberati on Dec. 28, 2013

The sunk cost fallacy: What makes us cling to that which harms us?

4 Tips to Become a Better Listener

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 28, 2013

Hear untapped potential, an unrealized goal or an unresolved conflict.

Your Message Farther with Fewer Words

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 22, 2013

Do you want your message to go farther? Learn from the most compelling speakers - their messages go farther with fewer words.


Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 22, 2013

"There's more money put into baldness drugs than are put into malaria. Now balness is a terrible thing..." Bill Gates TEDTalk Feb 2009

Invest Time, Don't Split Time

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 22, 2013

To manage my priorities, I have learned to follow a simple rule, "everyone is 100%."

Top 20 Thoughts of my Twenties (so far)

Written by Dom Liberati on Dec. 22, 2013

Age is just a number. I hope to impart some wisdom and perspective, and of course, a good smile or two.

Imagery Without Pictures

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 15, 2013

Powerful and compelling communication is rich in imagery, but imagery does not always have to be visual. Learn to use your words!


Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 15, 2013

Visualize the world's population as 100 people

IF by Rudyard Kipling

Written by Dom Liberati on Dec. 15, 2013

This is a poem my dad shared with me before my sophomore year as I was trying out for varsity QB.

Learning to Fly by Facing Fears

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 15, 2013

How do superheroes learn to fly? Not everyone soars the first time. Teaching people to fly is often a process to overcome fears.


Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 15, 2013

A Short Course in Human Relationship: My father taught me that in order to be "big" we must first be willing to make ourselves small.

Walking Through Fear

Written by Dom Liberati on Dec. 3, 2013

Can we take that leap and jump out of the cages we’ve created for ourselves?

Facing Fear on Paper

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 27, 2013

We are often trapped by fear because we get lost fighting everything but the fear. The napkin process puts fear in black and white.

Defining Success

Written by Dom Liberati on Nov. 26, 2013

If we don’t define success for ourselves before or early on in our journey, we may miss the greatest parts


Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 26, 2013

How’s your momentum these days? Are you weighed down by multiple “priorities”? Or are you a sleek, point of energy, moving rapidly towards your focus?

20 Something - The Voice of the Explorers

Written by Dom Liberati on Nov. 25, 2013

My mission with 20 Something is to inspire movement, provoke change, and ignite a search for the answers in your own exploration.

Listening to our Emerging Leaders

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 24, 2013

I believe in mentorship. If it weren't for my earliest mentors, I would not have the skills, confidence, and experiences that I have today. But I never had a reverse mentor. Until now.

5 Easy Ways to Use Imagery

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 16, 2013

Ready to evoke with imagery? Here are some ideas to make your communications more visual.

The Power of Defining Moments

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 11, 2013

Defining moments are brief interactions that are unexpected, opportunistic, and a jolt of new perspective. In no small part, these moments changed who I am and I how I lead.

Defying Gravity with the Little Things

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Oct. 28, 2013

Do you want to teach someone to fly, or to fly higher and longer? Remember the little things: encouragement, recognition, appreciation, responsiveness.

The Power of a Mission

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Oct. 4, 2013

My mission is to commit my voice to those who have none. I now find that I have unstoppable clarity and power. Where does this power come from?

Evoke Emotion

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Sept. 22, 2013

Be more compelling with fewer words. Evoke emotion.

Introducing the Superhero Series

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Sept. 15, 2013

When I was four years old, I was Robin, Boy Wonder, to my brother's Batman, and my sister's Superman. Then I "grew up" and left my mask and cape behind. Well, superheroes are making their comeback.