unlock hidden, untapped and unrealized potential



5 Career Signals You’re Ignoring But Shouldn't

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Oct. 5, 2014

Are you avoiding an ugly career truth? Here are 5 signs you need to pay attention to.

The Motivation Formula Every Manager Needs to Know

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Oct. 12, 2014

A little negative goes a long way. Do you know how much positive can offset it?

Turn Adversaries into Allies

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on May 4, 2014

"Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who'll disagree with you." John Wooden

How to Launch an Amazing Career: Lessons from an Unlikely P&G 1%er

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 16, 2014

What's the path to career success? Regardless of where you start, the path is the one you make for yourself.

The Best 1 Minute Investment You can Make in Your Employee

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 18, 2014

What if you could make a powerful and lasting change on the people you coach in a matter of moments? You can.

Perfect Pitch: Give Your Voice A Confidence Makeover

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 23, 2014

Are you looking for a way to project more confidence? Then start with your voice. One key to looking more confident is sounding more confident.

The 7 Deadly Speaking Mistakes

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Oct. 5, 2014

Do you want to change how you influence your colleagues? Change your pitch, tone and volume. Here's how.

Is this Career Myth Costing You a Promotion?

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 16, 2014

Are you finally on the promotion track? Great. But no coasting or it can cost you. Here’s a career myth that you can’t afford to ignore.

The Unfair Career Advantage You need to Exploit NOW

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 23, 2014

Score one for the good guys. At last. Your attitude matters! Here are 4 tips to convert your attitude into a career advantage.

How to Hack Your Humility Trap

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 23, 2014

Is your humility holding you back from recognition, opportunity, or advancement? It's time to hack your humility trap.

The One Dangerous Thing Every Leader Should Do

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Oct. 26, 2014

Do you like to play it safe? Are you afraid of controversy or being unpopular? Here's a challenge to do something dangerous.

How to have an Opinion without Being Opinionated

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 28, 2014

Embrace clarity and you’ll find you’re not just stating your opinion, you’ll be changing people’s opinion.

Are These 2 Words Stopping You? Overcome Your What-if's

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on May 22, 2014

What would it be like if we lived with fewer "what if's"?

How to Teach Girls to be Courageous Leaders

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 14, 2014

What are we teaching girls? To worry about social status?! Likeability is a luxury, not a goal. Let's teach them courage, and conviction and let's change the world.

Don't Just be Better; Raise the Bar

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on June 21, 2014

When we constantly compare ourselves to others - it's a never ending trap. Is it time to reset the bar?

Are These 2 Words Stopping You? How to Overcome Your What-if's

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 11, 2015

What would it be like if we lived with fewer ifs?

How to Transform from Nervous Networker to Confident Connector in 12 months (or less)

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 11, 2015

Want to transform from nervous networker to confident connectors? Here are 12 tips to build your network momentum and open new opportunities.

Facing Fear on Paper

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 27, 2013

We are often trapped by fear because we get lost fighting everything but the fear. The napkin process puts fear in black and white.

Breaking the Ice - Lessons from an Introvert

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 19, 2014

Here are some practical tips on breaking the ice in a few easy taps.

3 Ways to Give your Voice a Confidence Makeover

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 7, 2014

Are you looking for a way to project more confidence? Then start with your voice. One key to looking more confident is sounding more confident.