unlock hidden, untapped and unrealized potential



How to Say Who You Are and What You Do in 20 Words or Less

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 4, 2015

Still having trouble explaining what you do? Are you sounding too memorized and not memorable? Not any more. Here's how to say who you are and what you do in 20 words or less.

Face an Old Fear with Fresh Perspective

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Feb. 22, 2015

We all have fears, but they don’t have to trap us. You can’t change your past, but you can change your perspective. Ready to face your fears in black and white?

Get the Job Even if You Don't Have the "Right" Experience

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Aug. 26, 2015

Worried you don't have the right experience? You CAN get that job. Here are 5 practical steps to turn concerns about you into confidence in you.

10 Bright Ideas to Update your LinkedIn Profile [INFOGRAPHIC]

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on May 2, 2015

Are you new to LinkedIn, or is your profile ready for a refresh? Here are 10 tips to create a profile that attracts attention and generates leads.

Make your unique advantage clear with ONE word

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 9, 2022

I know... explaining what makes you unique can seem impossible. But ONE word can change everything.

The Power of a Mission

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Oct. 4, 2013

My mission is to commit my voice to those who have none. I now find that I have unstoppable clarity and power. Where does this power come from?

Evoke Emotion

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Sept. 22, 2013

Be more compelling with fewer words. Evoke emotion.

Defying Gravity with the Little Things

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Oct. 28, 2013

Do you want to teach someone to fly, or to fly higher and longer? Remember the little things: encouragement, recognition, appreciation, responsiveness.

Superheroes Start from Within

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 29, 2014

Where do real life superheroes come from? How do they earn their capes and masks? Superheroes start from within. We may not believe at first we are superheroes, but we will become what we believe.

Lead Out Loud: With Stories

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Feb. 1, 2014

One of the easiest and most overlooked leadership tools is the story. Stories may be simple, but their impact can last a lifetime.

5 Easy Ways to Use Imagery

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 16, 2013

Ready to evoke with imagery? Here are some ideas to make your communications more visual.

Exceed Expectations: Lessons from a High Achiever

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on May 11, 2014

I was a top 30%'er hoping to be a top 15%'er. Until someone taught me to exceed.

Table Manners: Confidence at the Conference Room Table

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on May 4, 2014

Be confident at the conference room table and improve your meeting effectiveness.

Don't Let Presentation Roadblocks Stop You

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on May 31, 2014

Great presenters aren't just prepared to present, they have mastered the skills of reading their audience, meeting agility and adaptability.

NOT Getting Noticed? The Inside Track on Making Your Mark

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on June 8, 2014

Make a mark more often. Maximize the mundane. And while everyone else head-down, you'll be head and shoulder above the crowd.

How to Hear What Others Don't: The Secret of Power Listeners

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on July 13, 2014

Great coaches are great listeners. They don't just hear what's said, they hear what's unexpressed. They hear untapped potential, an unrealized goal or an unresolved conflict.

Fear Factor: When Fear Makes Us (and others) Better

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on May 18, 2014

When we face our fears, fear becomes an ally, and gives us strength and courage. And not only do we benefit - others do too.

The Introvert's Guide to Getting Great Mentors

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Aug. 9, 2014

When it comes to getting a mentor, it seems as though everyone's an introvert.

How to Make your Boss (and others) Much Better

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Aug. 9, 2014

It’s one thing to manage down. And it’s great when people can manage up. But it’s a unique skill to "invest up.”

3 Steps to Blast Out of a Maxed Out Career

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Aug. 24, 2014

Your career may be maxed out, but you don't have to be.