unlock hidden, untapped and unrealized potential



Why Wait to be Noticed? Make Your Mark Instead

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 1, 2015

Still waiting to be noticed? Make your mark instead. And while everyone else is waiting their turn, you’ll rise above the crowd.

What to do when You're (WAY) Better than Your Boss

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Sept. 14, 2014

Are you better than your boss? Great. That's just how you want it.

Is Your Development at a Dead End: 5 Steps to Crowd Source Your Coaching

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Aug. 3, 2014

Your growth doesn’t have to stop just because your boss is a development dead end.

The Self Sufficiency Trap

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on July 13, 2014

Can you be too "self sufficient"?

The Curse of the Corporate Title

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 8, 2016

Why do we pin our identities to something we can’t control, like a title, instead of focusing on something we can?

How I Fight (and Win!) the Fear of Rejection

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Feb. 10, 2020

I have a fear of rejection. Who doesn't. But I found a way to win my fight against my fear. Here's how.

The Self-Sabotage Signal You're Sending But Don't See

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 2, 2019

Are you tired of chasing your career? Is it your boss? Or maybe... maybe it's you. Are you sabotaging your success?

5 ways to answer,"Tell me about yourself" using your passion, mission or strength [TEMPLATES]

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 15, 2017

Hmmm...you're about to introduce yourself, but don't want to talk about your role or title. Now what? Here's how to make a lasting impression using your values and strengths.

How to Turn Your Pitch into a "Tell me more" Moment

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Jan. 26, 2016

Get your pitch wrong and you're arguing instead of engaging. Get it right, and you'll hear, "tell me more!" Here's how to get it right.

The ABC's of Rebranding Your Personal Brand

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Dec. 30, 2019

Are you ready to take the rebranding leap?

Why I Speak Up Even if Others Don't

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Aug. 15, 2015

Our voices matter.

How to make your point perfectly clear in 6 words [TEMPLATES]

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Feb. 11, 2017

Imagine being so clear you can make your point in 6 words. Impossible? Not any more.

5 ways to introduce yourself perfectly in 20 words or less [TEMPLATES]

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Nov. 9, 2022

Think fast. You just got your big break and this introduction can change everything. You have 8 seconds to capture their attention. Are you really ready to answer, “What do you do?”

Career Myth BUSTED: Your Results AREN'T Speaking for You

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on June 1, 2014

I used to think my results spoke for me, but instead of getting promoted ahead of my peers, I was promoted after them. Then I started to speak for myself. And I was promoted ahead of my peers...Twice.

How my Plant Nurse Taught me to Make Missions More Meaningful

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on May 22, 2014

Is your organization struggling to connect to the business? Here's how one P&G plant nurse taught me how to add meaning to the business mission

The Mentor Quest

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on March 29, 2014

Who says finding a mentor should be a hard and lonely quest?

How I (Almost) Lost my Career Momentum

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on June 15, 2014

How's your career momentum these days? Are you leaning in or are you in over your head? Are you fighting to regain momentum or is it time to shift?

Still Pushing? 5 Tips to Create a Career Plan that Gets You Pulled

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Aug. 31, 2014

Tired of getting passed up? Don't throw in the towel. Take a page from successful inbound marketers.

4 Easy Ways to Catch the Branding by Association Wave

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on Aug. 17, 2014

Is your career stalling out? Maybe it's not you. Maybe it's your network.

What Bloggers can Teach Your CEO about Trust

Written by Rebecca Okamoto on July 27, 2014

How many leaders simply have power because of their positions? Imagine if all leaders had to earn their followers every day with every word and action.